Sorry I've been a little under the weather and had a busy week, but I stayed on track with my nutrition program and as I posted Thursday I was thrilled with our ten day cleanse.
Brad ended up down 9 pounds at the end of the cleanse and was down another pound yesterday.
I have not managed to exercise the past couple of days but will get back to walking as soon as my sinuses clear up(hopefully Sunday).
I will just mention a few dishes we have had since my post on Monday. I'm not going to try to remember which dish was on what day but you will want to try a couple of these. So, here we go.
One night Brad grilled delicious chicken breast with a Chimichurri sauce/marinade that use we for pork, chicken, and beef. It is GREAT!!
Brad uses the food processor
(you can just mince everything if you don't want to use FP)
6 cloves garlic chopped, 2 seeded jalapenos or Serrano peppers chopped, 1/2 cup fresh parsley, 1/2 cup fresh oregano, juice from three limes, 1 teaspoon kosher salt (or just salt), fresh crack pepper to taste, 1 cup EVOO. The recipe also calls for 1/4 cup red wine vinegar. We left that out this time because you should not have vinegar on the cleanse but usually add it also.

Mix all ingredients, reserve about half the mixture for dipping then pour the other half over chicken (or what ever meat you would like). Works great in a ziploc. Only marinade for 45-1 hour because the lime juice will begin to cook the meat if it goes much longer. Grill like you normally would until desired temp. YUMMMM!
I was chickened out one night this week so we were racking our brains trying to come up with something different. I decided I wanted breakfast for supper. Unfortunately it was not cheese eggs, cheese grits, bacon, and biscuits, but it was still good and made us feel good also.
We chopped up some of the leftover chicken from above along with bell pepper and onion then sauteed them for a while. We made omelets with two eggs each adding the chicken, onion, and pepper mixture.
At the last minute I thought of making a fresh salsa to go with our dinner omelets. We diced cherry tomatoes, sweet onions, a little Serrano chili, fresh cilantro, kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a little fresh squeezed lime juice. Mix all that together and add to any dish for a wonderful fresh pop. The salsa really made the dinner! Add fresh fruit for desert and who needs bacon and biscuits?

The other recipe worth mentioning is a great marinade/rub Brad found (quick & easy).
We used it on a small boneless turkey breast (only about three pounds).
Food Processor time again.
1 small onion, about 12 fresh sage leaves, a little lemon zest, 1/2 cup fresh parsley,
3 Tsp EVOO, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and rub all over turkey breast.
I bet it would be great on chicken also, this was a first for us. I'm glad we found it. Cook according to directions or however you normally would. This one said cook on 350 for about 2 hrs. We used one of those baking bags and it came out very juicy!! We also roasted carrots, onions and cauliflower seasoned with salt and pepper. We would typically roast things like this using potatoes, onions and carrots, but cauliflower is a wonderful substitution. So glad it wasn't "chicken".
Try these out and let me know what you think!